
The brainycoders. . .

The team consists of

Tomas Rodriquez - game designer and game player

I write the "game design journey" sections, game reviews and podcasts.
Send e-mail to: l a f i g u e r o a @ b r a i n y c o d e . c o m

nyguerrillagirl - head brainycoder.

I write the "how to build your favorite retro game" sections and any programming related stuff. I would love to hear about any ideas you have on projects to pursue or any material you would like to contribute to the web site.
Send e-mail to: n y g u e r r i l l a g i r l @ b r a i n y c o d e . c o m
It is a long story why I am not lafigueroa....QMeister ursurped that e-mail address so I had to give it up. Alas, I had to create a new one and thought why not a tip of the brain to where I grew up, my gender and finally my tactics in playing games!